Category Archives: Garden Updates

October Garden Update:

I planted out the second vegetable patch today, as the spring patch is quickly finishing it’s run. No seedlings, all seeds: rocket, dwarf beans, and I am aiming for one each of capsicum, chilli, and a zucchini. If they don’t come up, I’ll then fetch seedlings. This patch gets less sun, but if the summer is going to be as fierce as predicted, that isn’t going to be an issue.

As for the main veggie garden: Once I’ve cleared out the last of the beetroot, carrots, and tomatoes, I’ll give it a ‘rest’ for a week while I turn over the soil, add worm compost, and compost, and nitrogen-based fertilizer. Then I’m putting in more beetroot and carrots, and maybe a single tomato plant. The tomatoes tend to come up by themselves, so I won’t actually plant any.

The mulberry glut is over, but the passionfruit and the blueberries are getting ready to pick up the yoke and keep the fruit bonanza going. I’m already getting a passionfruit every second day or so, and the blueberry bush is enthusiastically setting berries. I may make blueberry muffins if I get enough in one day! And the youngest child has hinted she’d like me to make passionfruit butter again.

The biggest issue this year may be too much burning sun … but a cabbage moth has been hanging around. I’ll need to keep my eye out for caterpillars.

Look at that enthusiasm.

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Filed under Garden Updates, Personal experience