Category Archives: Craft

Learning Curve

Just to shake things up a bit, I’ve decided to do a masterclass online with Neil Gaiman. He is a writer I admire, with a lush writing style. And I’ve saved a bit of money by not going anywhere…

If you’re snoozing, you’re losing. I don’t think a writer can ever say there is nothing new to learn. I’ll report back on what I’m learning … without giving away Mr Gaiman’s hard work. My favourite gold nugget for getting a story started: “Let me tell you what happened to me.” It’s immediate, and already you’ve made a connection with the reader. The answer will be different for every storyteller.


This image may contain Furniture Shelf Bookcase Human Person Room and Indoors


Filed under Craft, Education, Inspiration, Neil Gaiman, Writing Career, Writing Style

Submissions Diary

I keep a monthly submissions diary. Currently, for the month of April, I have more acceptances – and I’m including conditional acceptances – than rejections. This is a first for me.

I will have been working my own submission strategies for two years this July. These strategies include aiming for 100 rejections a year, and being more active in the writing community. Without acceptances, these are still paying off for me by improving my writing style and creating a valuable support network.

The start of the year has had more than its fair share of real life issues – but I’m still on track with the writing.



Filed under Australian Author, Craft, Opinion Piece, writing

Working on some Steampunk projects

Key Charm Necklace

Key Charm Necklace



I’ve modified a necklace. Now I’m looking at making a chatelaine.


Filed under Craft, Personal experience, Steampunk